Friday, August 27, 2010


satan sufficates me with his lies. i can't breathe. i can't pray. he throws himself across my mouth. i gasp. no words come out. the fear is on my face along with his tail. my eyes speak. i drawn in my own salava. he shouts his lies loud above my racing heart. i panic and search the room for help. i want to get out of this entrapment. don't know what to do. my eyes trace the outline of the ceiling. my heart starts to speak, but no words come from my lips. "God. do you see me. " i feel paper thin. 'I have messed up, yet again. Help me get back close to you. Want you whispering in my ear. want your words to be uttered from these lips." the tail of the beast slides down. the grip begins to loosen. oxygen begins to fill my lungs. my heart rate slows. the beast falls off. the room stops spinning. all is calm. all except a still small voice.

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