Monday, March 29, 2010

out of the way

Luke 5:16 As often as possible Jesus withdrew to out-of-the-way places for prayer.

some days we are the ones in the way. God beacons us to come, to sit with him, but our plans and agenda's push us in another direction. then we wonder, who moved? even good things aren't necessarily godly, even good intentions can move us from the path. yet He beacons with His still small voice "come"..... withdraw to an out to the way place and meet with me. do what I tell you to do regardless of the jeering crowd, regardless of what they say and how they may treat you. "come". I see the end results, I am your guide, I am the way, I see YOUR heart. don't worry about "theirs". pull out into the deep waters. cast your net once again. pray. wait. watch.

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